Here's a couple of old animations. First, Jupiter from November 2010, with Europa on the right and Io appearing out the the shadow on the left. The animation was done by fellow Cloudynights member MvZ, and was featured in Wired. It is one of the best (series of) images I have achieved with my trusty old Toucam Pro web camera.
Next is Saturn, captured with my new DBK21 camera in Mar 2011. The great storm of 2011 is visible in the northern hemisphere. At the left side spokes are visible as dark patches on the rings. For some reason spokes seem to occur most often on the "morning" side of the rings, that is, where the rings rotate out of the shadow from the planet. The new camera does make it easier to get quality images, but still the quality of the seeing is a critical factor; if the seeing is bad both cameras will give bad results.
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Next is Saturn, captured with my new DBK21 camera in Mar 2011. The great storm of 2011 is visible in the northern hemisphere. At the left side spokes are visible as dark patches on the rings. For some reason spokes seem to occur most often on the "morning" side of the rings, that is, where the rings rotate out of the shadow from the planet. The new camera does make it easier to get quality images, but still the quality of the seeing is a critical factor; if the seeing is bad both cameras will give bad results.