A couple of Jupiters captured some time ago. First, a big Jupiter from back in September on a night of good seeing. I spent the night at Agios Pnevmatos above Rethymnon, and the views were magnificent. My mirrors were however rather dirty, and although one always hears that it is not possible to see any difference between a very dirty and a clean mirror, the camera certainly noticed a difference. For this picture I tried the de-rotate function in WinJupos. It improved the details on the disk but caused a ring to be visible not far from the edge of the planet.
My second picture is from Oct 22, just after I cleaned the mirrors. I could use less gain in the camera after cleaning, and the contrast was better. The transiting moon is Io. Captured from my terrace.
Lastly, in a departure from the usual planet images, I present an image of one of the pairs in the "double-double". Is the collimation a bit off perhaps? That's all :-)
My second picture is from Oct 22, just after I cleaned the mirrors. I could use less gain in the camera after cleaning, and the contrast was better. The transiting moon is Io. Captured from my terrace.
Lastly, in a departure from the usual planet images, I present an image of one of the pairs in the "double-double". Is the collimation a bit off perhaps? That's all :-)